Lil Boosie & Katt Williams CHECKS Steve Harvey On LIVE After Thr3atening Them.. – FULL VIDEO

Get ready for some backstage comedy beef behind the laughs.

In this video we see Cat Williams bring the heat with explosive accusations against Steve Harvey.

Harvey tries to play it cool, but can’t resist firing back.

Meanwhile, rapper booy joins team cat and even Bernie Mack’s daughter gets involved.

It all started decades ago with the legendary Kings of Comedy: Harvey, Bernie Mack, Cedric, the Entertainer and Dl huy- massively successful on stage, but behind the scenes means not so much, especially between supposed Alphas Harvey and Mac.

Now, fellow funny man, Cat Williams is spilling all the tea, claiming Harvey was jealous of Bernie and tried to undermine him.

But Harvey says Bernie denied it before his death.

Is someone lying fast forward to today where cat lights up Harvey again in a wild interview?

Harvey vaguely claps back on social media and boozy jumps into to defend his man, cat.

This beef ain’t dying down anytime soon.

With big Egos and bigger laughs at stake.

It’s about to go down.

Let’s dive into the drama.

The comedy world was rocked when Cat Williams gave a bombshell interview on Club Sh Shay with Nfl legend Shannon sharp earlier this month.

Williams held nothing back, spilling piping hot tea on the biggest names in comedy, including Kevin Hart and Tiffany hadish, but he saved his harshest attacks for actor, TV host and relationship expert Steve Harvey.

Williams lobbed accusation after accusation at Harvey from calling him jealous of Bernie Mack’s success to claiming Harvey stopped doing standup after losing a supposed comedy battle to Williams himself.

The interview instantly went viral, with Clips spreading like wildfire online.

At first Harvey seemed content to just ignore the inflammatory comments from Williams, but as the interview continued Making Waves across the internet, Harvey apparently felt compelled to respond.

Days after the interview aired, Harvey fired off an intriguing tweet writing: you don’t have to address your haters.

The vague tweet suggested Harvey was taking the high road for now, but he didn’t stop there.

In an accompanying video, Harvey doubled down, stating: I I got somebody really attacking me.

Right now I mean really going after me, man.

I’m just waiting to see what God going to do.

So while Harvey never mentions Cat Williams by name, it’s clear he’s referring to Williams- verbal Onslaught against him.

And if you thought this was the end of Harvey’s clapback, think again.

He followed up with another video, turning up the heat even more.

Sometimes the oppositions comes from the most unsuspecting places.

Sometimes man you going to get blindsighted, but you got to understand how the devil works.


The Devil is evil, he don’t fight.

Fair this thing in life.

That’s not fair.

What they saying about me, that’s not fair what they doing about me, and it wasn’t fair how they did Jesus, but they did it anyway.

You are not going to get away through this thing called life without opposition, but let me say this, though: be careful when you hear something that’s laid out to be the truth, and because the person that’s telling you what they say is true is speaking eloquently, don’t be deceived by that.

There are some people who know how to lie so well.

They know how to sprinkle in just enough truth and wrap it inside their lies.

What they got you thinking that somebody telling the truth?

Beware of that, people.

You can’t be righteous and negative at the same time.

The gloves are off and this beef is just getting started.

With two comedy Kings at War, the drama is set to explode.

Let’s dig into the origins of this clash and see where it goes next.

The original Kings of comedy.

The seeds of this Clash were planted back in the late 1990s, when producer Walter Leam had a bold idea: bring together the funniest standup comedians for a massive Arena tour.

Instead of just having them play small comedy clubs, Leam assembled a legendary lineup for this tour: Steve Harvey Cedric, the Entertainer Bernie Mack and later Dl Huy.

In interviews Laam revealed his original concept was for a deaf Comedy Jam reunion, not specifically the Kings of Comedy.

As Leam stated, it didn’t start as a Kings of Comedy idea, it was a death Comedy Jam reunion idea that I had initially.

Okay, and I called a friend, Stan Leon and La, who was the director of all of De comedy Jams.

He co-managed some of the some of the talents I fig.

He could help me get Martin and bigger people like that at that time right.

And we wor.

We tried that for like a month or two and he, he could never come up with anything.


And that’s when when I I was like my son’s football practice, one day on the phone, like I was always on the phone sitting in the bleachers, and that name just keep kept nagging at me.


And I

But I didn’t know what to do with it.


So I always could count on Bur to do what he does, Mh.

So I called him first, called his people first, gotcha.

Um, he was like into it immediately because at that time, if you read his book, he was kind of at a Crossroads with his career.

He didn’t know what was going to go on with his career, Mh, and I called Cedric because I was.

Do all of Cedric’s dates.

Up to that point.

I was his promoter, okay, and I called Steve because I had.

I saw him on the Hbo special.

I had never seen him do comic.

Oh wow, saw I’m on Hbo special with his yellow suit, mm.

And I was like it could be a good addition, right.

And so I called him last, okay, but I had the other two got him.

That’s right, because okay got it, mm.

A lot of people don’t don’t know that.

So the tour became a phenomenal success, grossing $37 million from packed audiences excited to see these comedy Titans together.

It spawned a Le film that doubled the Box Office Hall.

Various spin-offs kept the franchise going strong, but behind the scenes tensions were Brewing between two of the Kings, Steve Harvey and Bernie Mack.

Though they killed on stage together offstage, their competitiveness created a rift.

After the tour’s wildly successful 2-year run ended in 1999, there was discussion of reuniting for another round.

Instead, The Comedians went their separate ways.

In particular, Harvey and Mack carried lingering animosity that prevented a reunion in 2018.

Dl Huy commented on the failed reunion attempt and touched on the tension between Steve and Bernie.

We’re all excited, and the next day it didn’t happen.

And essentially, you know Bernie- uh, you know, felt like he didn’t want to do it anymore.

He was on his own path and Steve.

So, uh, you know, nothing like that ever happens or doesn’t happen for a reason.

So I was, uh, disappointed, but I understood, uh, that you know, those kind of things happened.

You know Steve, at one point was, you know, Uber successful, and then Bernie started to cuz.

He didn’t ever think he would get the opportunity he got.

But once he did, America loved him, like we all kind of knew they would, and he decided to go a different way.

And no, like no one resented it, like we were, just like.

That’s dope for you, man, you go and do your thing.

But Huy wasn’t the only former king of comedy to chime in during his own interview on Shannon Sharp’s podcast.

Cedric the Entertainer has this to say: yeah,

Yeah, I mean, you know they were the kind of guys that they both alpha males, you know, like they, they both, you know, they just saw it different, you know what I’m saying, but at the end of the day they was able to get through it.

Cedric acknowledged both Harvey and Mack had big personalities and clashing perspectives, but felt they ultimately moved past their beef.

However, Bernie Mack himself allegedly addressed the simmering Feud with Harvey in a controversial 2003 Gq Magazine interview.

In it Mack accused Harvey of being jealous of his success and even trying to sabotage him from getting certain movie roles.

This shocking claim suggested the tensions between the two comedy Kings went deeper than just bruised Egos and creative differences.

According to Mack, Harvey actively tried to undermine his film career out of bitterness and Competitiv.

Years later, in 2014, comedian Damon Williams, who opened for the original Kings of Comedy Tour, referenced this Infamous Gq interview on The Comedy hype channel.

So it turned out that Bernie said in the Gq article that when he got Oceans 11, Steve had reached out to the producers and said he thought he would be a better fit and tried to get the part and blah.

So multiple sources close to the situation indicated Steve Harvey’s jealousy about Bernie Mack’s meteoric success after after their tour led to sabotage and subterfuge between the two comedians.

Their bitter tension would only grow more heated from there.

But apparently Harvey had a different take on the Gq article’s claims on Bet’s conversations with Ed Gordon interview series.

Harvey directly addressed the supposed Feud with Bernie Mack.

Harvey admitted he was initially very upset about the accusations, saying they simply weren’t true.

As Harvey told it, he and Bernie Mack had enjoyed many positive times together over the years, but after that controversial Gq story created Bad Blood between them.

Harvey approached Bernie personally and, according to Harvey, Mac denied ever making those scathing remarks featured in Gq Magazine.

Despite their past competitiveness, Harvey took Bernie at his word that the comments were fabricated in Harvey’s own words.

I was upset at first because it just wasn’t true.

Me and Bernie had a lot of good times together and then this article in Gq came out and put all this vicious stuff in there.

B said he never said it.

I had to take him at his word for it.

So Steve Harvey chocked up the feud exaggerations to Media drama and hype.

Even with rumored tensions in their past, he maintained faith in Bernie Mack’s Integrity.

Harvey’s perspective on this shows that beneath the surface level conflicts, the two legends ultimately respected each other and moved forward.

However, fellow comedian Cat Williams tells a very different story.

Williams had long greatly admired Bernie Mack’s comedy brilliance.

Cat felt there was more to the story that hadn’t yet been fully unveiled.

Regarding Harvey and Max beef Cat decided to bide his time until 2024 to completely expose the behind the-scenes drama.

In his now viral Club Shay interview with Shannon sharp, Williams unloaded a barrage of bold accusations against Harvey related to Bernie Mack.

In William’s view, Harvey was intensely jealous of Ma’s talents and resented his success after their Kings of Comedy Tour together.

Cat alleged that Harvey wrongfully believed he was funnier and more handsome than Bernie and couldn’t accept Max’s Rising stardom in TV and film, as Williams boldly stated on Club Sh Shay.

Then you ask why you not a movie star?

I didn’t want to be a movie star.

That’s the same nro that hated on Bernie with this same thing.

You called ocean 11 to get that Nigga’s part.

What do you mean?

You didn’t want to be a movie star.

So, on the behalf of Bernie, I I would have to say what I have to say.

After Bernie left them same three guys, I’m telling you about the Kings.

They came to me.

I was supposed to be the fourth King.

I got the offer.

Then what happened?

But I turned it down.


Because you on Bernie, and I know the truth.

You think I’m going.

Let you on Bernie and then come, get me.

I’m the next king.

You why?

Because the whole time Bernie was here you was acting like you was funnier than him.

That man was funnier than all y’all and y’all thought y’all had one over on him.

You thought he were black and ugly and you were good looking

And he couldn’t make it cuz you did.

And that ain’t the way comedy work.

The king is the funniest period every time, and that’s why no audience member was ever swayed.

It didn’t matter where Bernie went.

You think if Bernie went first, he wasn’t the king.

Get out of here.

In this lengthy diet tribe Williams alleged Harvey resented Bernie Mack’s talent and tried to undermine his career out of jealousy.

He also claimed Harvey and the other kings wanted him to join them after Bernie’s departure, but he refused out of loyalty to Mack.

The accusations of backstabbing and trying to sabotage Bernie’s film roles aligned with Ma’s own earlier allegations in the controversial Gq interview.

So despite Harvey stating publicly that Bernie denied making those claims, Cat Williams clearly feels the truth has not fully come to light yet regarding the two comedy icons ‘s rival.

But this dive into cat’s incendiary comments doesn’t end here.

Let’s look at his own Rocky history with Steve Harvey.

In the early 2000s Cat Williams was blowing up in comedy.

Steve Harvey even hyped him up when introducing cat at the Bt Comedy Awards.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome one of the hottest young comedians in the country today.

I’m telling you he got my stamp.

This cat is hot.

Please put your hands together for Cat Williams, so publicly.

Things seemed copasetic between the two Comics during cat’s rise.

Harvey and Williams even performed together at a 2008 New Year’s Eve show in Detroit.

The event got build as the championship of Comedy, as if Steve and Cat were going to battle it out on stage, though neither claimed responsibility for that promo idea.

In a later interview, Cat Williams clarified that the competitive framing had not been his idea at all.

As Williams tells it, Steve Harvey did all that.

M, the whole show, the idea of the show, the plan of the show- all, all of that was Steve’s doing.

He did all of that.

He waited until I said I was retiring and that was going to be my last show.

Then, on his show, he decided he was going to make it the championship of comedy, and he did all that.

The none of that was my doing.

I wasn’t even involved in it on that level.

He was.

He was the initial person supposed to be doing the day I was only supposed to be coming in to help sell tickets and then he flipped it and made it something.

He couldn’t have made it with me and then tried to flip it again and become the victim.

But Steve wanted to make it clear he wasn’t the one who came up with that whole championship of Comedy concept.

When given the chance to share his side of the story, Harvey shot that notion down quick.

He definitely didn’t see their New Year’s Eve show as some battle for comedy Supremacy between the two of them.

In an interview, Harvey stated that, yeah, I didn’t.

I didn’t know nothing about this concept, but when the promoter told me about it in October, I shot it down.

Cuz that ain’t how I’ve ever promoted a show.

You know I’ve always been on tour with with, with some real monsters- man I T, with the Kings.

You know I’ve been on stage with said Dl and Bernie man at the same time.

It’s always been a camaraderie.

You know what I mean.

We’re going out here to get the people the best show we can give them, and that’s the way we’ve always promoted comedy shows.

Now, you know, to turn this into some type of little beef ain’t got nothing to do with me, that ain’t.

I do so while the 2008 New Year’s show was publicized to play up conflict between the veteran Harvey and upstart Williams.

Both comedians claim that was solely promotional hype.

When they finally hit the stage that New Year’s Eve, cat held nothing back in his set, though he started respectfully asking the audience to cheer for Steve Harvey, who performed first.

Cat even big uped Steve, calling him an excellent comedian and one of the greatest ever.

But once the pleasantries were over, cat turned his signature hard-hitting comic skills against Harvey.

He don’t no parts of this in any way shape.

This is some other.

I don’t know why he came out here.

All this money Yall spent on them T and talk about a lady in the audience for 15 godamn minutes that should have talked about me the way I’ve F to talk about his man.

So in that now famous club Sh Shay interview, cat Revisited the Detroit gig and he boldly claimed his performance was the reason Steve Harvey hung up his stand-up comedy shoes for good.

Shortly thereafter Steve told you that he stopped doing standup because he had seven TV shows.

The only problem is when he stopped standup he didn’t have those seven TV shows.

He stopped standup because he got in a comedy battle called the championship of standup comedy, with one Cat Williams in Detroit in front of 10,000 people and lost because Cat Williams said he was was actually bald and that was a wig and I went in, and that’s why he couldn’t do standup anymore.

So in cat’s telling he didn’t just go toe-to-toe with Harvey that fateful New Year’s Eve, he ended Harvey’s standup career for good.

Williams took full credit for Harvey’s decision to leave comedy behind shortly after their Showdown.

Whether or not that’s the actual truth, cat clearly relished the opportunity to recount his epic battle with Harvey years later.

While Steve Harvey and Cat Williams have clashed both on and off stage, another player in this drama is controversial rapper booy.

Badass booy has tremendous respect for Cat Williams and he was quick to stand up for cat.

After the shocking Club Shay interview during an Instagram live session, booy made it known he wouldn’t tolerate any disrespect.

I Manan, I ain’t got nothing to say about the Kay William situation.

I don’t know about nothing about that.

I know he a real to me, like I say, bro, I came home.

I ain’t had nothing.

The man invited me to his concert at me front row season.

When I was leaving, gave me $115,000.

That’s real.

Everybody else was screaming my name.

All kind of celebrity, a even give me a Spe. speak to me.

When I came home, that man gave me $15,000.

I ain’t even know him, Bro.

That’s all I can say.

Not many celebrities was Hing free boo.

I saw him.

They ain’t even acknowledge me.

Man, give me $15,000 doing that.

He did that from the heart, man.

He know what I had been through, Bro

Man knew what I had been through.


I never forget that when I see him, I’m definitely going to bless him and I keep 15: 20 in my pocket at all the time.

Booy explained that when he was released from prison, Cat Williams extended incredible generosity.

While other stars paid lip service, cat gave him money, concert tickets and support.

So booy is riding for cat.

If Steve Harvey tries disrespecting Williams, he’ll have to answer to booy.

Cat has also received praise from Bernie Mack’s daughter, Janice Mcculla.

After cat spoke so highly of Bernie during the club Sh Shay interview, Mulla took to social media to show her appreciation.

As she said, really appreciate what I believe, the genuine love and respect that Cat Williams showed my father.

It is so much appreciated, much love.

And mat robs C. she went on to explain.

I felt like it was genuine.

There are some people who have given, you know, my dad his flowers.

Now that he’s dead, that I’m looking at like you know, do will.

He wasn’t doing it when he was alive, and that not just famous people, just people all across the board.

So both booy and even Bernie Mack’s daughter herself co-signed cat, giving the comedian even more credibility.

And there it is, folks.

The crazy saga continues between Cat Williams, Steve Harvey and now even booy.

From cat’s bombshell interview to Steve’s Shady tweets and videos, this comedy beef is just getting started behind the scenes.

Comedy ain’t always laughs.

Big ego rivalries and strange alliances bring some drama too.

Stay tuned for the next episode of this ongoing comedy.

Tel Noll.

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