Jay-Z UPSET that Beyonce was uplifted over Rihanna? | Jay Z ACCUSED of “deleting” Cathy White

Jay-Z was pretty upset that the sports media commentator, Stephen A Smith, said that Beyonce was better than Rihanna.

Jay-Z checks Stephen A Smith for comparing Rihanna to Beyonce

Now, I don’t know if you remember, but last year, when Rihanna was set to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show, Stephen A Smith pretty much said that Rihanna ain’t no Beyonce and he doubled down on his statements several times.

I S, there’s one thing she’s not, Uhhuh, she ain’t Beyonce.

“I know she’s not Beyonce, but you wait a minute, hold up.”

“Rihanna’s great, but I’m thinking you got a lot to live up to.”

Cuz there’s only one beon: Rihanna’s fantastic.

That’s not where I’m going with this, ladies and gentlemen.

She’s a lot of things.

She’s spectacular actually, and congratulations on new mama Hood.

But there’s one thing: she’s not, she ain’t Beyonce.

Now nothing is wrong with Stephen A having an opinion, even though I thought it was a bit corny of him to say that is his opinion and Stephen A Smith is going to have an opinion on everything, and he just felt like Rihanna’s good, but she just ain’t Beyonce.

It is what it is.

But his comments did receive a lot of backlash because people felt like he was unnecessarily pitting two black women against each other and, interestingly enough, Jay-Z had an issue with his comments as well.

In fact, he called up Stephen A Smith and checked him over his comments.

I said: I love Rihanna.

I bought her album.

She gets my money, mad love for her, wishing her nothing but the best come Super Bowl performance.

But you, you do know there’s only one, Beyonce and somebody like blue navies.

After you know what the hell is, blue nav was blue Navy then.

Now people who remain nameless, Hollywood stars, couple of cats pissed off at me going off complaining, never spoke to me again.

Right, and I’m like y’all y’all messing around with each other.

Son, what the hell’s going on here.

Why would that be something that makes you upset?


Months later, HOV- and I was on the phone-

Hov was like quote, simple and plain: my dog, you, you family, that’s family, that’s too close to say that.

He said I know, done right, see, saying, because now, now you say, in other words, it’s a business, it’s a part of it, you don’t know how she’ll receive it, etc. etc. etc.

And that’s all he had to say. Right, I appreciated that.

Now I thought this was interesting for a few reasons.

It is interesting to hear Jay-Z take up for Rihanna, even though Stephen A Smith was biging up his wife Beyonce.

Jay-Z wasn’t really impressed with that.

He didn’t like the fact that he was pitting her against, against Rihanna, who he considers his family too, and he felt like it was hitting too close to home for him, which is also an interesting statement, because you know it has been rumored over the years that Rihanna allegedly was Jay-Z side chick.

That hasn’t been confirmed, so we don’t know that to be true, but we do know that Rihanna does have business ties to Jay-Z. she is signed under his management company, Rock Nation, so they’re always going to be connected in some way.

So I guess that’s what he means when he says Rihanna is his family.


I thought it was interesting that Stephen A said some people in Hollywood started distancing themselves from him all because of his opinion, and I understand that they probably did it out of allegiance to Rihanna.

But it seems a bit trivial to cut somebody off just because they have an opinion that you don’t like, and it’s not an opinion on a serious matter.

It’s just a debate on who you feel is a better artist.

So it’s a little weird.

It is is, but I think Stephen A Smith thought that he was going to get brownie points for saying what he said.

He especially thought he was going to get browny points from the Carters, but Jay-Z was not impressed, so Jay-Z had to check him.

Jay-Z accused of “eliminating” his alleged mistress Cathy White

Now, since I’m on the topic of Jay-Z, I want to talk about this very disturbing tweet I came across.

It was this tweet that came across my feed from Liz Croen.

She said: note the date.

Hey, Jay-Z, I was the reporter who talked to your alleged mistress right before she died or was murdered.

I know everything.

I know what you did.

Go F yourself.

Your time is coming.

Maybe you and Diddy can share a prison cell together.

Justice is coming and she actually quoted herself from years ago and said: when Kanye West says Jayz has quote, unquote murderers, I believe he’s talking about the people who killed Kathy white and she actually reposted this Kanye video.

She was talking about J. call J that kill us.

Please don’t sit him at my head, just call me.

Liz Croen also said this.

It’s only a matter of time before Spirit cooking.

Jay-Z is exposed like Diddy.

There’s a reason.

Kanye said Jay’s got murderers.

I would know he’s evil to the core.

I pray there will be Justice for Kathy white one day, the false Idols will continue to fall.

Mark my words now.

This right here is a pretty serious allegation.

Jay-Z is being accused of taking out this woman named Kathy white.

There’s been rumors of this over the years and, I’ll be honest, I didn’t really know much about this until recently, until these tweets started going viral and I was like: who is Kathy white?

And I started looking her up

And I went down a rabbit hole of a lot of different things.

And I will say: all of these allegations are 100% alleged.

We don’t know if they’re true or not, but it was rumored back in 2010 that Kathy white allegedly was Jay-Z’s mistress.

Now Kathy was a socialite in Hollywood.

She was a publicist, a health and fitness expert and she was a model.

She ran in different Social Circles and she was friends with Claudia Jordan, which is interesting because you don’t really see Claudia mention her, but she was known.

She was known by some industry people and people would call her corana or Corey, and also some people call her Kathy Corina white, but her full name, her real name, is Kathy Michelle White, and it was rumored by Hollywood Street King that she allegedly had an affair with Jayz.

Now, when I went back to see the actual article.

It’s no longer available but rhymes with Snitch- actually reposted it and in this article it said there’s a juicy little rumor bubbling under right now, claiming Jay-Z is bony, one of Claudia Jordan’s hom girls, a chick named Kathy Karina White.

According to Diary of Hollywood Street, King Jay’s been smashing for a while.

Enlarge this picture and you could just make out Kathy and Claudia standing just to the left of Jay- too close for someone not in his inner circle sips tea.

So there were a couple of pictures floating around of Kathy partying with Jay-Z, Diddy and Claudia, and you could clearly see Jay-Z and Diddy in this picture.

And to the side you see Claudia and Kathy, and Kathy is supposed to be the woman in the pink.

It’s a blurry picture, so we don’t know if it’s her for sure, but they’re saying that it is so.

This rumor about Kathy and Jay-Z being together started back in September of 2010.

Fast forward, a year later, Kathy mysteriously passed away.

According to her obituary, she passed away September 1st 2011 in Harlem, New York, and she was only 29 years old, and it was said that she passed away from an aneurysm, but some people don’t believe that was the true cause of her passing.

So I was on this site called foxella, and they reposted this article from hsk, which I’m assuming is Hollywood Street King, and it said this hsk exclusive.

Hsk was the first to reveal that 28-year-old Kathy white was Jay-Z’s Mistress.

Don’t believe me, as Claudia Jordan.

Yes, yesterday I got the news that Kathy Michelle White had suddenly passed away, so I quickly began my investigation.

And guess what, Kathy did not die from a brain aneurysm, as reported widely around the internet today.

According to an Nypd detective who told me, Kathy’s cause of death is uncertain, and later today we’ll have the oopsy and toxicology reports.

Right now the death is considered suspicious.

Kathy white died exactly one year to the day from when I broke the story of her and Jay-Z’s affair.

Here’s exactly what the Nypd told me.

A 911 call came in from an apartment on 130 West 19th Street in Manhattan.

Ambulance came and took Kathy because she was sick.

They took her to the Beth Israel Hospital and that’s where she expired.

It was too early to be speculating that an anism killed her.

They’ll be doing an autopsy later today to check out her cause of death, but someone might have given Cathy a bad drug.

So they’ll do a toxicology and we’ll have to wait two weeks for that report.

Wait, there’s more.

Two weeks prior to her death, Cathy was contacted by a major tabloid that was investigating the Jay-Z connection.

She gave them little information to go on, but according to one of our sources, following her conversation with the Tabloid, she called Jay and told him that she was going to go public with their Affair for a price.

This all happened in the last 2 weeks.

Then, a little more than 48 hours after the announcement that Beyonce was pregnant with Jay-Z’s baby, this young lady suddenly dies under suspicious circumstances.

Now it was rumored that Kathy was also pregnant and she allegedly was pregnant with Jay-Z’s baby, but we don’t know that to be true either.

We just don’t know.

But there’s been a lot of reports going around about Cathy’s mysterious passing, and it’s interesting, because you can’t really find anything about Kathy on the Internet.

It’s really hard to find any information on her.

It’s almost as if she didn’t exist, but Liz Croen actually woke this story up.

She did say that she was the reporter who spoke to Kathy right before she passed away, and Liz has worked with several tabloid magazines, including Us Weekly, touch weekly and Star Magazine, so it is believable that she probably reached out to Kathy to get an exclusive and the blog did say that Kathy was about to Spill the tea about her affair with Jay-Z. and if all of this is actually true, I definitely think it was poor judgment on Kathy’s part to threaten to go to the tabloids and threaten to extort Jay-Z.

I mean it was even poor judgment for her to allegedly be messing with a married man.

From the way the story was told, it seems as if she was trying to get money.

Maybe he cut her off financially, who knows.

And can you imagine if she went to the tabloids and told her story?

Can you imagine the mess that would have been?

Because you got to remember around this time Beyonce just announced her pregnancy, so it would have been a hot mess if it came out that Jay-Z had another pregnant mistress on the side.

That would have been crazy and embarrassing and to save face, I could imagine that Jay-Z would probably go far enough to hire a hitman to get rid of Kathy.

I’m not saying he did, but I ain’t saying that it ain’t possible, because Kanye did say that Jay-Z got Killers.

He got Killers, but once again, all of this is alleged.

We don’t know if Jay-Z is the cause of Kathy’s passing

And it can’t be proven.

So we just don’t know.

But I will say, ever since Liz called Jay-Z out and woke up this story, people have been talking.

I’ve been seeing a lot of videos and a lot of conspiracies going around.

Even Jaguar Wright has her own conspiracies about what went down.

Kathy White’s life was taken unfairly.

She actually died screaming, and the Carters are responsible, but one of them is just a little more responsible than the other.

Question is: did Sha Carter delete his mistress, his pregnant, his pregnant mistress, because his wife was just Je was, or could it be possible that may be his wife’s Temple?

It’s just a little worse than most people think, and maybe he just had to clean it up to protect the brand.

See, I mean I’m just speculating.

Now, once again, I have to say this is all Specul ation and jaguar does speculate a lot, even though she is Spoton about some things.

I mean she was Spoton about Diddy, but at the same time you can’t believe everything you hear.

However, I will say this: that whole Kathy White story is very, very, very, very, very creepy and very suspicious.

It’s honestly a bit sad because she was in the industry, but you hardly see anything about her.

You don’t even see her friends speak on her her.

It’s a sad situation all around

And I wonder what really happened to her.

I really do anyway, tell me what you all think about this video down below.

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Thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you next time bye.