Jay Z & Beyoncé CANCEL Diddy Before Grammys & Clive Davis Can’t Help! – FULL STORY BELOW

Seems like it’s the first time that Diddy was not invited to party with everyone else, and word is on the street that this is just the beginning of his cancellation in the Showbiz, in addition to spending lonely evenings at home while the rest of his gang is partying.

And here’s even more Revelations.

Apparently his Guardian Angel, Clive Davis, might be clocking out early, inviting other music bigwigs to follow his example, the world decided to throw Diddy to the wolves.

And while Clive Davis made it clear that Diddy is still VIP, no matter what, the rest of the industry didn’t seem to catch the message.

Some of other music heavy lifters like Jay-Z allegedly claimed that don’t want to stain their reputation by seeing side by side with the disgraced music Mul people color.

I I think I pull the most satisfaction from that word on the street is Jay-Z went full on cancel culture, his traditional Preg Gammy brunch.

He got it cancelled.

Apparently, as one Insider leaked the juicy Tit Hibits, they couldn’t figure out how to uninvite Diddy, especially when clyve Davis was still planning to roll up as his plus one.

Now Jay-Z is making sure everyone in the industry has to choose between him and Diddy, and while he knows when to bail on a sinking ship, the music producer also wants the others to follow his example.

Every year he invites industry insiders to join us for a celebration of the highest elevation of self.

It’s been speculated that the cancellation of Jay-Z and Beyonce’s Preg Grammy Brunch is nothing more than a powerful reminder to Clive Davis that he’s no longer in charge of the Show biz narrative.

Apparently, Clive didn’t rush to cancel Dy for his crimes and all the allegations swirling around, and Jay-Z wasn’t having any of it right.

Cuz you the the mistakes you made, you can’t.

You’re making mistakes in front of the whole world.

Rock Nation had been hosting the brunch since 2011 and while it’s attended by all music sisters, this cannot compete with Clive Davis’s annual bash that he hosted since 1973.

Apparently there’s a clash of powers in the music industry and every prominent figure needs to make a choice about Diddy’s position.

Industry insiders have been speculating about whether party regular Sean comms will be at Clyde’s as he battles more allegation.

A source familiar with the guest list told puffy is perennially invited to the party.

He’s always on the list.

The streets are buzzing that Diddy and Clive Davis thought they had a golden ticket to the Grammys, but apparently Jay-Z doesn’t want them to put his name next to this mess.

The Block is Hot and Jay-Z keeps his Distance by refusing to go anywhere.

Unless it is a didy free zone, stand it and you don’t have the tools to move forward, then you’re going to have complications period.

It’s a funny play of powers and influence that we are watching unfold, but for Diddy it’s concerning because his only lifelines, Ron burkel and Clive Davis, might be reevaluating their investment after Jay-Z’s actions.

Now that did’s cut off from the music scene collaborations and artists aren’t that eager to work with him.

Diddy’s facing a real issue, but, folks, you may be naive if you expected he to go down alone.

The word is he’s 100.

The word is he’s 100.

Set on taking as many people down with him as possible.


Well, if fingers are pointing in different directions and more big secrets about the industry Giants are exposed, it might make his own crimes look less severe or fade from public memory.

You know, help me clear this up.

What would the L you know like?

I spoke to the lot.

Yeah, I told the lot they going to help me clear it up.

Yeah, It may be just the final PR attempt to save his image, as everything around him continues to crumble.

But the things Diddy is being accused of are so bad that there’s absolutely nothing-

And I mean nothing anyone could say- to make the public forget about what he’s done.

Diddy maintains his innocence, claiming he hasn’t done anything wrong or horrible.

While Cassie and others have different stories, Diddy says he’s looking forward to his day in court.

In his statement, he claims sickening allegations have been made Against Me by individuals looking for a quick payday.

Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged.

However, there’s another fear creeping up on him, one that he’s genuinely scared of.

It’s the fact that Diddy’s Fortune appears to be built on smoke and mirrors.

Yep, you heard it right.

Despite his substantial net worth, his wealth is ashing, with more perer damage and lawsuits.

On one hand, this might explain why he’s dragging his feet with settlements, especially after Cassie took a significant chunk of his wealth.

Puff pay too quick.

Yeah, That’s was the Pu pay.

I think that actually made him look more guilty, and folks, if you think that Diddy will use the help of his billionaire friends.

It seems like there’s no one to throw him a life boy.

One after another, his former friends are turning his back on him and many people are already counting the days before the whole industry dirt is exposed.

As one person commented, Hollywood is going down, all these parties don’t even make sense anymore.

And another user added: Diddy needs to do a remix of Chris Brown’s song Loyal.

All of Diddy’s so-called buddies disappeared.

You see, insiders now claimed that one reason why Diddy’s victims never pursued him in a legal battle is that he had so much money that he could effortlessly evade any legal consequences and Destroy his opponent reputation without serious damage to his wealth.

You know what I’m saying.

I gave them the money and and they kept all the money.

The perception was that Diddy’s wealth was insurmountable and Seeking Justice would be an uphill battle.

Now, with the industry’s Giants openly throwing him under the bus, the music mogul fears that the illusion of his financial might might crumble.

It seems like he simply lacks the the substantial funds to mount a defense against numerous legal challenges.

It’s never been revelated how much he paid, Cassie, but it looks like parting was such a huge sum was a substantial Blow To The Music mogile in his pocket.

Now, as other victims of his crime sensed his vulnerability and finally went after him, he’s about to give away the remnants of his wealth.

This is actually the third lawsuit in as much time levied against comes.

Even before Four Women accused him of misconduct, Diddy was having a challenging year.

He had ambitious plans for one of his business ideas, but the $185 million deal to acquire the operations of two major companies in multiple States fell through.

Around the same time, he explored acquiring Paramount Global’s bet, the first black-owned cable network, as part of a grand plan to establish a blackowned global media Powerhouse.

Unfortunately, in August, Paramount withdrew the network from the market.

Following the setback, Diddy focused on his music career and released his love album Off the Grid, featuring a list collaborators like Justin Bieber the weekend, John Legend and Mary J Blig.

He had one purpose when he was is doing bad boy, and now he’s got a whole new purpose.

It was his first solo Studio project since 2006, but despite the Star studed lineup, the album peaked at number 19 on the billboard 200 chart, marking it as his worst performing record.

Now folks have been side eying Diddy for ages, labeling him a second tier rapper and a mediocre producer, the tabloids and music critics went full shade, mentioning his rather creepy conversation with a female Protege on intermission and labeling the entire things as oddly dissatisfying.

Return been sipping from the drama cup, attempting to build a blackowned media Empire and come back a new man with a new Nan.

But the thing is, the industry doesn’t want him back, and even his longtime Mentor, Clive Davis, has no power to stop this epic downfall to Diddy, who continues to face, uh, renewed criticism after settling.

It seems like the Saga with Diddy’s cancellation was planned all before Cassie’s lawsuits.

You see folks, 2023 was simply the worst year for the music mogul.

He eyed Paramount Global’s bet aiming to create a Powerhouse.

But oops, Paramount pulled the plug and left Diddy high and dry.

The struggles continued as his love album Off the Grid, featuring a listers, took a notive on the charts.

Someone get him a life vest, because that’s one sinking ship.

And it all became worse with the lawsuit.

Sega Diddy, like the drama magnet, accused the world’s largest liquor company, Dao, of racism and hope to Mint more cash on this lawsuit.

However, the company decided to end his contract with him.

Mr comm’s bad faith actions have clearly breached his contracts and left us no choice but to move to dismiss his baseless complaint and end our business relationship looks like Diddy desperately needs some money and he thought that his lawsuit would be the golden ticket to his billionaire dreams.

But there’s no one in the industry to help him.

It’s something about me that has him on me all the time and I’m not going nowhere.

Even his powerful PALS like Jay-Z and Beyonce throw shade by canceling their pregg Grammy brunch.

The streets are buzzing that it was a calculated move to keep Diddy at Bay.

Seems like even those in his inner circle are second guessing this mogul’s wild ride, and many people have a good idea why, as one person commented, they can’t try to disassociate themselves with him.

Now they’re all one big puppet gang and another user added.

They need to bring the whole industry down, just not Diddy, Jay-Z, Beyonce and Clive Davis- all of them well, the start of the Year brought nothing but more troubles for the music mogul, and his longtime Pals from Show Business are turning their backs on him one after another.

But, folks, what do you think about all this?

Is Diddy being canceled by his own kind, and what are the chances that he will start dragging the rest of the industry with him?

Drop your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to check my other videos.