50 Cent Speaks Out: ‘My Own Son Is My BIGGEST ENEMY’

50 Cent and his son, Marquis, have had a very public beef for the past few years.

He went as far as saying he wouldn’t have a bad day if his own child got hit by a bus.

50 posted this bold comment under a photo of Marquis and Kyle Mcgriff.

But when you learn who Kyle is, you might not be surprised about 50’s reaction.

Kyle Mcgriff is the son of the infamous Kingpin Kenneth Supreme Mcgriff, who is currently serving a life sentence in federal prison for a long list of crimes, one of those being the attack on 50 Cent, which led him to being shot nine times.

So when 50 sees a photo of his son with the son of the man that tried to take his life away, he felt No Remorse.

Posting up with Mcgriff in that photo was a huge sign of disrespect from Marquis.

Still, most people saw 50s comment as disrespectful and unimaginable, something they would never say to their own kid, no matter what he took to Twitter to respond.

I have zero ill will towards anyone living on this Earth.

The people Shaniqua’s son looks up to and Associates with is a reflection of the negative energy Embraces towards me.

I paid his mother one million three hundred sixty thousand dollars in support to afford him opportunities I never had.

Most people look at this and think: well, 1.3 million dollars is plenty.

I could make that work.

However, his ex, Shaniqua Tompkins, sued him for 50 million dollars, but not for child support, for allegedly burning down their house in May of 2008..

He tried to kill me and his own child, said Shaniqua Tompkins, who miraculously survived the suspicious 4 Am Blaze, which leveled the 2.4 million dollar mansion in Tony Dix Hills, where she lives with the rapper’s ten-year-old son Marquis and four relatives.

She goes on to say that 50 threatened me on Monday that he was going to have someone visit me.

Even the local fire chief, Larry Feld, knew something about the situation, was weird when he said the fire was definitely suspicious because of the volume of the fire and how fast it spread.

Now this is an extreme accusation and seems unlikely that 50 would burn his own house down just so his ex couldn’t have It.

Ultimately, the the lawsuit never went to trial and we got to hear 50 side of the story.

Months later the courts told her she had to leave.

50 said it’s kind of more like if I can’t have you, you can’t have it, so you figure she lit it up.

The Interviewer asked.

Well, I don’t want to say that.

Don’t try to make me say something.

I don’t want to say 50 Cent replied, but the circumstances to it might seem that way.

50 says his ex burned the house down.

Shaniqua said that he did it.

The mystery Loom still to this day.

But five years later we would get a glimpse of how bad 50s temper actually is when a series of shocking text messages with his son were released.

Hey, I’m outside the house, at the front door.

I came to the front door.

The lights went off, you lying you outside, you fronting.

I saw you looking out the window.

Good luck in life.

You’re gonna need it.


You front hard body.

Now how you going to see me when I’m in the basement?

Lmao, Q, you are your mother’s child, LOL.

Why would you lie about that?

I need a blood test cause that dick sucking you call Mom was the whole time.

It’s cool.

I will never go out my way again.

You Dis respectful little, LOL.

You never do.

I don’t know.

Not, father, that doesn’t even call their son for his birthday or get him a gift for his b-day or for Christmas.

You are your mother’s child.

I don’t have a son anymore.

To no surprise people were mortified at these messages, confused.

How a father could speak like that to his 16 year old son?

How did it get this bad?

It seems like 51 out of his way to go visit Marquis.

Then Marquis didn’t come to the door for some reason seems like an odd situation and possibly an overreaction, but we never got any more details from it.

However, Shaniqua went to the Press A year later and said that 50 hasn’t seen his teenage son in two years.

50 also didn’t go to Marquis’s high school graduation in May of 2014.. apparently, he wouldn’t even call on his birthdays.

This became a reoccurring theme where Shaniqua would go to the press and publicly air out their relationship issues.

50 claims she is crazy, bitter and entitled to money and fame just because they have a kid together.

But the caveat to all of this is that 50 was contributing money to her and Marquis- a lot- 1.3 million dollars in child support and insane amount of money, which ended up being around six thousand seven hundred dollars per month.

But Marquis says it wasn’t enough.

It’s 6 700 a month.

Okay, that’s not.

That’s not.

In my I’ve seen a lot of money.

That’s not a lot of money.

Now New York City is the most expensive city in the world.

So let’s do some quick math.

In New York City, a child is entitled to be supported by their parents until the age of 21.. 50 and his ex split up in 2008.

Marquis turned 21 in 2019..

So 50 would legally have to pay support for 11 years.

50 said it was one million three hundred sixty thousand dollars, so that would actually be ten thousand three hundred three dollars per month.

But Marquis said it was just 6 700, which is a huge difference, kind of weird.

I don’t understand the discrepancy, but let’s just go with 6700.

The average cost of rent in New York City in 2009 was twenty four hundred dollars and in 2019 was thirty two hundred dollars.

Let’s just call it three thousand dollars: rent for a two-bedroom apartment.

For cost of living, we can go 300 for utilities, 150 for internet, 750 for car payment and insurance.

You can also just ride the subway.

That’s 129 per month for an unlimited metro card.

A thousand dollars for food, I don’t know.

700 for clothes.

We just got up to six thousand dollars.

And as you can see, I over estimated on all these expenses, and 6700 is still enough money, and that’s not even including another potential one, two, three, four thousand dollars per month that Marquis’s mother could be contributing.

I think we can all agree: sixty, seven hundred dollars is plenty, but Marquis didn’t exactly say it wasn’t enough money.

It just wasn’t enough for the lifestyle he expected to have.

Raise a celebrity English.

Your child is not me.

Your child never been on a private jet before.

Your child don’t get flowers.

Marquis thinks that since he is the son of a rap superstar, that he deserves a certain lifestyle.

He says he has been in 13 bedroom Mansions, flown private jets traveled around the world.

Why should he have to go back to living an average Lifestyle?

Most people are calling him spoiled, entitled, but Marquis denies that.

So wait, basically entitlement out in the public.

He’s entitled, Bro.

I could have told I could have went to school and Funk out five, ten years, and I did it because I’m not entitled.

I do not care about no bread, bro, and if I really care about some bread, I’ll be kissing his ass.

Based on Marquis feeling like he needs to live a certain lifestyle.

Being the son of an A-list celebrity is literally the definition of entitlement, which is believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

Entitlement creates resentment.

If Marquis asked for a pair of joins on Monday, his mother would make sure they were on his feet by Tuesday.

It still didn’t make him happy.

Instead of being excited to rock his new pair of Jordans, all Marquis could think about was all of the Retro Jordans.

He didn’t have all the different flyaways and colors that weren’t in his closet.

When he should have felt gratification, all he really felt was disappointment.

50 wanted his son to work for his own money, not just live off of his father.

My issue with Marquis wasn’t that he wanted all those sneakers.

When I was a kid, I wanted sneakers too.

The difference is that I was willing- you know, make that determined- to do the work necessary to obtain them.

I wouldn’t for a second want Marquis to have to resort to the type of work I put in to get my kicks.

At the time, I perceived selling drugs as the only viable option in my environment, so I pursued it.

Marquis has so many more options in front of him than I ever had.

I just needed to see him pick one and put in the work.

The saddest part about this back and forth is that it seems to have done damage Beyond repair for the two 50..

I used to you ask yourself how long a complicated question would say: how long can you love something that don’t love you back?

You can hear the pain and disappointment in 50’s voice.

Although Marquis is going viral for being ungrateful, it seems like what he truly wishes is to have a relationship with his father.

Marquis wanted his dad to be there for him emotionally.

He claims he doesn’t care about the money.

It doesn’t make up for the missed birthdays, not going to graduation, never visiting.

Of course 50 is super famous and extremely busy, but you can understand why the boy would feel the way he does.

It just ruins his argument when he starts talking about money.

Parents show love in different ways.

Some fathers provide more financial support than emotional support.

Some people think that mothers are supposed to be the emotional support for the child.

All parents raise their kids differently.

There’s not one right way to do it.

The most toxic part about this whole situation is that instead of talking to each other, they air out their differences on Instagram, live radio interviews and through Tmz. 50 is known for being petty trolling.

Sarcasm Marquis is the same way.

They are making light of serious situa Asians for the public to have a laugh or for some Instagram likes.

One thing we know for sure is that the only way this will ever get solved is if 50 and Marquis finally decide to sit down and talk everything out privately off of social media.